Wednesday, June 26, 2013

TGT Beats The Franklin Despite The Rain!

With rain coming down earlier in the day, there was some uncertainty about whether this game would go down. But come 6pm, the sun was shining in the sky! Taint no clouds in sight! Let's play ball!

With 2 runs in the first, 2 in the second, and 7 in the third, TGT went out on an early lead. But TFI scored 4 in the bottom of the fourth ... AND THEN THE RAINS CAME!

As the skies opened up and the rains poured down, we all took a rain delay in the hopes that the storm would blow over. Peering across the wide fields of Edgeley, we could see that CAT and BC were plugging away. So, with an 11-4 lead, TGT got The Franklin back on the field so we could finish this up.

The rains slowed, we scored another 5, they scored another 1.
16-5 final. TGT wins.

Here are some highlights:

What is Lee looking at? #keepyoureyeontheball

Rafter makes a smooth throw to first!

And Mike bobbles on the transfer....

And Spence, our mascott, chillin!

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